The Benefits of Investing in Custom ID Cards for Your Organization

Introduction to Plastic Custom ID Cards

Plastic custom ID cards are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience, security, and durability. Custom ID cards are often used in a number of industries and for various applications, including corporate buildings, hospitals, universities, and government agencies. As the demand for custom ID cards continues to grow, it's important for businesses and organizations to be informed on its features, benefits, pros and cons, case studies, FAQ"s, mistakes people make, and best practices. In this article, we'll explore in depth the advantages of custom ID cards as well as the potential problems that come with them.

The features of plastic custom ID cards depend on the type of product and application, but many common features are available on a variety of cards. Some of the most common features include:

  • QRCODE/Barcode/Magnetic stripes/RFID tags
  • Custom shapes/sizes and edges
  • Personalized logos and artwork
  • Hot/laser stamping
  • Signature panels
  • Variable data printing

The benefits of plastic custom ID cards are numerous and worth considering for any business or organization. As mentioned, plastic cards are incredibly secure and are often used for access control. They are also extremely durable, which is why they are indispensible for use in industries with abrasive environments. Additionally, plastic cards are incredibly cost-effective in the long run as they don't need to be replaced as often as other materials. Custom ID card features also allow organizations to customize their cards to meet particular security needs for employees or other access control needs.

  • Durable and secure
  • Cost effective
  • Customizable options
  • Versatile use for any application

  • Cross-platform compatibility may be an issue
  • Printing and cutting costs can be high
  • Potential for data corruption
  • Only limited customization options

In 2019, a large hospital in the Midwest needed to upgrade its security systems, specifically in the controlled access areas. After evaluating a number of different options, the hospital decided to go with a plastic custom ID card system. The cards were used to restrict access to certain elevators, offices, and other secure areas, and their versatility and security features provided the necessary peace of mind. Not only were the ID cards durable, but they were also cost effective and allowed for superior management of the access control system over other options.

A small business in Texas recently implemented a plastic custom ID card system to manage their conference room access. Prior to the ID card system, they were having issues with restricted access and never finding out who had used certain rooms until after the fact. With the ID card system, they are able to effectively restrict access to the conference rooms and keep track of who is coming and going. This has been incredibly valuable for the team, who now have the security and tracking solutions they need all in one place.

A. The typical lifespan for custom ID cards depends on the usage and material, but most range between three to five years.

A. The most common materials used for custom ID cards are PVC, PET/PBT, and ABS.

A. Yes, ID cards are generally designed to be reused. Most systems have the capacity to program and reprogram cards as necessary, allowing for extended use.

One of the most common mistakes people make when using custom ID cards is not properly researching their provider. Some providers may offer products that are inferior in quality or have inadequate support. Additionally, some providers may increase their rates without notifying their customers, which can be frustrating and expensive. People should also be careful to ensure that their ID cards are programmed properly and have the correct access protocols, otherwise they won't be able to use the cards. Finally, people should check to make sure their ID cards are properly programmed for the correct applications.

It's important for businesses and organizations to understand the potential drawbacks of using custom ID cards. To ensure that people get the most out of their cards, there are a few best practices to consider. For one, double check that the custom ID cards are being produced and programmed properly. Companies should also adhere to the recommended lifespan for the cards, as extended use can cause the cards to become corrupted or damaged. Businesses should also keep their cards secure to prevent unauthorized access, as this could lead to serious security risks. Lastly, make sure to periodically update the programming of the cards to ensure that they stay up to date.

The advantages of using plastic custom ID cards are undeniable. From the convenience and security features to the versatility and cost effectiveness, custom ID cards are an invaluable asset for any business or organization. While there are some potential drawbacks, the potential risks can be mitigated with proper research, planning, and implementation of best practices. With the right provider and a well-implemented system, custom ID cards are sure to help businesses and organizations operate more efficiently and securely.