The Benefits of Using Employee ID Cards: Improving Security, Convenience, and Efficiency

Everything You Need to Know About Plastic Employee ID Cards

Employee ID cards are essential tools for organizations, providing an easy and secure way to identify staff, contractors, and volunteers. Plastic ID cards serve a variety of purposes, from access control to health and safety. Here, we give you a comprehensive overview of plastic employee ID cards and their benefits.

Employee ID cards are used to identify and record a person's entry into an organization. These can range from single-purpose identification cards to multifaceted access cards. However, plastic cards provide the most value for organizations, as they not only ensure the highest level of security but are also versatile and durable enough to support additional features.

Plastic ID cards offer a number of advantages for organizations. They are both durable and long-lasting, with the highest quality cards expected to last five to seven years. This not only allows you to make significant savings in printing costs but also takes away the need to replace cards every year.

More reliable than paper cards, plastic ID cards are also nearly impossible to duplicate or replicate, thus ensuring greater security for your personnel and facilities. Additionally, plastic cards can be used in conjunction with access control systems, making them the ideal option for organizations that emphasize security.

Plastic cards can be customized with various features and functionalities, from magnetic strips and QR codes for access control to photo identification. Many types of card materials and finishes are available too, from color PVC materials to transparent and frosted cards.

Organizations can also opt for smart cards that contain integrated chips that enable them to function as access control cards, identity cards, and even as digital wallets. These cards also offer advanced features like time and attendance tracking and expense management.

The primary advantages of plastic cards when compared to paper cards are their durability and reliability. Plastic cards are far cheaper to produce compared to paper cards, and they also resist wear and tear better, making them the ideal choice for organizations. Additionally, these cards can also be used to access control systems and increase security.

However, there are some drawbacks of plastic cards. These cards are typically more expensive to produce than paper cards and have a greater upfront cost. Additionally, they are also not as environmentally friendly as paper cards.

Plastic cards are now being used in a variety of scenarios, with organizations recognizing the security and cost advantages they offer. Here are two case studies:

The University of the West of England had a campus-wide access control system, which used paper cards to grant access to certain buildings and areas. However, these cards were easily lost or stolen and had to be regularly replaced.

The university then shifted to plastic card technology, which allowed for greater security and ultimately saved the university money in the long run. The cards were also printed using environmentally friendly materials, thus helping the university meet its sustainability goals.

The Hospital of No Health operates a secure access control system to ensure that only authorized personnel are able to access certain areas. Paper ID cards had been used in the past but were proving to be unreliable.

The hospital adopted plastic card technology, which allowed for greater security and reliability. The cards were also used to track employee time and attendance, and allowed staff to print out their own ID cards from a networked system.

Plastic cards offer greater durability and reliability compared to paper cards. Additionally, they also require a much lower upfront cost and can be used for access control systems.

Plastic cards are expected to last five to seven years. This allows organizations to make significant savings in printing costs, as replacements are not often required.

Plastic cards are typically not as environmentally friendly as paper cards. However, more organizations are now using plastic cards made from recycled materials and eco-friendly inks.

One of the most common mistakes people make when incorporating plastic card technology is not investing enough in the technology. While using plastic cards can significantly reduce costs in the long run, investing in the right cards and their accompanying systems is essential in ensuring the best value.

Another mistake is underestimating the importance of access control. Many organizations focus solely on the card design, without properly securing the systems that access the information stored on the card. This can result in security risks and can even cost an organization money.

When incorporating plastic card technology, it is important to take the following steps:

  • Invest in quality cards and accompanying systems to ensure the best value;
  • Ensure that access control systems are secure;
  • Create a plan for updating and maintaining the cards;
  • Keep up-to-date records of all cards;
  • Ensure that cards are easy to carry and use.

Plastic employee ID cards are a great way to ensure the highest levels of security for your organization. These cards offer a variety of advantages, from durability and cost-effectiveness to access control and tracking features. However, investing in the right cards and systems is essential in making sure you receive the best value.